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Derivation drift, derivation...
Diopter, Lochvisier peep sight...
Doppelflinte, Querflinte double barreled shotgun...
doppelkonische Hülse double-conical case...
Doppelbüchse double barreled rifle, side-by-side rifle...
Drillingbüchse, Kugeldrilling three barrel rifle, drilling...
Doppelbüchsflinte double barreled shotgun-rifle...
Daumenloch thumb hole...
Druckknopf der ausschwenkbaren Trommel cylinder release button, cylinder release latch...
Drilling three barreled combination gun, drilling...
Drilling: 2 Schrotläufe nebeneinander u.1 Kleinkaliberlauf unter-oder oberhalb three barrel gun: 2 shotgun barrels side-by-side with 1 small barrel over and under them...
Drilling: 1 Schrotlauf u.1 Kugellauf übereinander u.1 Kleinkaliberlauf auf der Seite three barrel gun: 1 shotgun barrel and 1 rifle barrel over/under with 1 smallbore barrel on the side...
Druckluftzylindersperre pressed air cylinder nut...
Druckluftzylinder pressed air cylinder...