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Term TranslationDefinition
Schaft stock...
Schaftbecke cheekpiece...
Schaftkappehaken butt plate hook...
Schaftrucken comb...
Scheibenbüchse target rifle, match rifle...
Schlagbolzen striker...
Schlagfeder mainspring...
Schlagstift firing pin...
Schneide edge...
Schrot, Hartschrot shot, pellet...
Schrotdrilling three barrel shotgun...
Schrotlauf shotgun barrel, smooth bore barrel...
Schrotpatrone shotshell, shotgun shell, shotgun cartridge, shot cartridge...
Schrotschusswaffen shotguns...
Schussebene plane of fire, departure plane...
Schusslinie line of fire, line of departure...
Schussweite efficient range, range of gun...
Schussweite, Schussent­fernung range of fire...
Seitenplette side plate, lock plate...
Selbstladeflinte self-loading shotgun...
Selbstladepistole selfloading pistol, autoloading pistol, automatic pistol, autopistol...
Sicherung safety, safety catch...
Spannhebel cocking lever, bolt lever...
Sperrbolzen retainer...
Sperrbolzenfedei retainer spring...
Stabilisator stabilizer...
Sternfaltung fold crimp, rose crimp...
Stössel hammer strut, mainspring strut...
Syphon-Kapsel pressure bottle...