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Term TranslationDefinition
balistique ballistics...
balistique extérieure external ballistics, exterior ballistics...
balle 1/2 blindée semi-jacketed bullet...
balle à antérieur côné coned bullet...
balle à antérieur semironde hemispherical bullet...
balle blindée full jacketed bullet, full metal cased bullet, full metal patched bullet, solid jacket bullet, solid bullet...
balle expansive expanding bullet...
balle ogibale à tête plate ogival bullet with flat point...
balle ogivale ogival bullet...
balle ogivale(bi-) biogival bullet...
balle ronde round ball...
balle, projectile lead bullet...
balleblindée full-jacketed bullet...
bande ventilée ventilated rib...
barillet cylinder...
bielle trigger bar...
boîte complète pressed air cylinder...
boîte de culasse receiver, breechcasing, breechpiece...
bonde pleine solid rib, box rib...
bordure case rim, shell rim...
bourre wad...
bouton de réglage rearsight slide...
branche ascendante de la trajectoire ascending branch of trajectory...
bretelle carry sling, carrying strap, gun sling, rifle sling...