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Term TranslationDefinition
Ballistik ballistics...
Betäubungsgeschoss stunning projectile...
biogival Geschoss biogival bullet...
Bleigeschoss lead bullet...
Bock-Doppelbüchse superposed rifle...
Bock-Doppelflinte superposed shotgun, over and under shotgun...
Bockgewehr over and under rifle, over and under shotgun...
Bodenkappe brass base...
Bodenpropfen base wad...
Buchse, Karabiner, Gewehr rifle, carbine...
Büchsflinten-Drilling, Drilling: 2 Kugellaufe nebeneinander und 1 Schrotlauf unterhalb three barrel rifle-shotgun: 2 rifle barrels and a shotgun barrel below, drilling...